Now that you have access to the AWS CLI, you can use it to download files from an S3 bucket.
aws s3 ls
The output will list all the S3 buckets (if any) associated with the account.
For the purpose of this workshop we will be using a named profile with AWS CLI which is a collection of settings and credentials that you can apply to a AWS CLI command. When you specify a profile to run a command, the specific settings and credentials associated with the profile are used to run that command. This is typically followed when credentials are shared to access resources. Use the AWS CLI with the credentials (for the named profile) provided during the training to access the S3 bucket folders shared with us for this workshop.
aws configure --profile training
AWS Access Key ID [None]: [Access Key ID]
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: [Secret Access Key]
Default region name [None]: ap-southeast-1
Hit enter to accept the defaults for output format
aws s3 ls --profile training s3://slchen-lab-transfer/GIS-training/
The output is a list of folders within the S3 bucket (slchen-lab-tranfer) that is shared.
Expected output:
PRE SRR6327875/
PRE SRR6327950/