c. Explore our recipes!

Congratulations on having completed your training! Hope you gained some useful insights into genomics on the cloud.

Here are some addditional examples for performing genomics analysis. These examples were compiled as recipes by Associate Professor Swaine Chen (National University of Singapore, Department of Medicine). Below is a gist of what you can explore:

  1. Analysis of a Salmonella isolate
    • Assembly & genome annotation
    • Calling MLSTs
    • Calling resistance and virulence genes
    • Serotyping
  2. Analysis of Klebsiella isolate
    • Assembly
    • Annotation with Kleborate
  3. Classify metagenomic reads using Kraken 2
  4. Lacer - FASTQ quality score recalibration
  5. Bambu - Transcript discovery and quantification for long read RNA-seq data

You can use the Chen Lab public AMI for this purpose. For information on recipes and getting started with the AMI, please check out our github page.