b. S3 data transfer

Let us now upload and download data from S3, using:

  1. AWS Console

  2. AWS CLI

Using AWS Console (via GUI)

  1. In the AWS Management Console search bar, type S3.

AWS Management Console

  1. Click on S3 to open the Amazon S3 Console.

  2. Scroll through the list of buckets and click on your new bucket. NOTE: make sure you click on the bucket name link, and not just select the bucket using the checkbox.

AWS Management Console

  1. Click the Upload button.

AWS Management Console

  1. Either drag and drop files or click Add Files to browse and select the files to be uploaded. For the sake of this workshop, add a small text file or any other dummy file / image that does NOT contain sensitive information.

AWS Management Console

  1. Click on Upload.

AWS Management Console

The files will be uploaded to the S3 folder and the file object names will appear in the list of the objects.

AWS Management Console

Using AWS CLI (from the EC2 instance)

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have configured the AWS CLI credentials (Refer to Section V.a for AWS CLI configure commands).

  1. Run the AWS CLI command to list all the S3 buckets associated with the account in the region configured with aws configure.
aws s3 ls

Output will be a list of buckets including the new bucket which was created above.

  1. Run AWS CLI commands.

List the contents of the bucket

aws s3 ls s3://{Bucket Name}

Verify that the output includes your uploaded files.

Download files from the S3 bucket

To download files we will use the AWS CLI s3 cp command.

aws s3 cp s3://{Bucket Name}/{object name} ./

Verify the download by listing the directory and confirm the object is present.

For more detailed steps on AWS CLI for S3 refer to Section VI (Download data shared using Amazon S3) of the workshop.

Upload files to the S3 bucket

To upload files we will use the AWS CLI s3 cp command.

aws s3 cp ./{your-file} s3://{Bucket Name}/
  1. Verify the contents of the S3 bucket after the copy is completed via command line (below) or by using the AWS Console.
aws s3 ls s3://{Bucket Name}