a. Create EBS Volume from snapshot

  1. In the AWS Management Console search bar, type EC2 to navigate to the EC2 Service.

  2. On the Left Navigation Bar click on Snapshots under Elastic Block Store

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  1. Select the Snapshot you created in the section IX of the workshop. NOTE: You can identify the Snapshot by the Snapshot Name Tag you had provided earlier.

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  1. Next click on Actions and choose Create volume from snapshot from the drop-down list.

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  1. After selecting Create Volume, make note that the Size field is prepopulated but you will have the option to increase the size (however, you cannot decrease the size). Important: Make sure that the Availability Zone is the same as the EC2 Instance you are going to attach the Volume to.

  2. Click on Add Tag to uniquely tag the resource. Provide “Name” for the Key and “[your initials]-EBS” for the Value.

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  1. Create Volume will now create a new EBS Volume.