b. Verifying AWS credentials

Before we interact with the Amazon S3 let us take a look at the importance of the AWS credentials.

AWS security credentials are used to verify

  1. Who you are
  2. Your permission to access the resources that you are requesting
    AWS uses these security credentials to authenticate and authorize your requests.

We configured who you are in the earlier section. Let us inspect the credentials and config files in the ~/.aws/ folder now. (Not applicable for AWS configure with Event Engine code snippet)

cat ~/.aws/credentials
cat ~/.aws/config

IMPORTANT: If you are using Event Engine for this workshop, make sure to have the AWS ACCESS KEY ID, AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY, AWS DEFAULT REGION match the temporary account’s credentials from the Console page on Event Engine. The AWS SESSION TOKEN is unique for each Event Engine session (this session token is NOT APPLICABLE for an original AWS account).

We now successfully configured who you are. Next, we will configure your permission to access the resources that you are requesting (i.e. with a “named profile”) to interact with Amazon S3.